On Forgiving 77 Times


August 13, 2009

Thursday of 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Jos 3: 7-10a, 11, 13-17; Mt 18: 21- 19: 1

Dc. Larry Brockman

Forgiveness!  Specifically, forgiving our neighbor 77 times!  This is a tough one for just about all of us.  And yet, the Gospel parable makes it very clear that God will forgive us if we forgive our neighbor. 

Now we can all relate to the hypocrisy displayed by the servant to the king.  We can see the injustice in the parable.  And so, after hearing this story today, hopefully we will all go out of here motivated to forgive the guy that cuts us off in traffic; or the strangers who make too much noise at the next table while we are dining; or any of the minor things that happen each day between our neighbors and ourselves.  We can forgive those things that happen because people are imperfect, and just human beings, and we can forgive the things they do selfishly when they put themselves first on a case by case basis- at least for a while. 

But what about the big things that demand forgiveness, can you forgive those?  How about a rift between you and one of your children that has gone on for months, or even years; or the spouse who cheated on you; or the neighbor next door who deliberately did something that damaged your property; or any of those things that cause anger and resentment that last.  How about the anger that lasts in such a way that every time you see or think of the offending party, the anger comes back anew, maybe even 77 times!. 

And yet, for each one of the offenses that you hold on to of this type, consider this:  You have done something like that to another, and you have asked God’s forgiveness for it.  In fact, you expect God’s forgiveness for it.  That’s what Confession is all about for you. 

It is tough, but you have to forgive others even in these difficult cases.  When all of us die, we want to see the impenetrable waters of the Jordan lifted, so each of us can cross the dry land and enter Paradise. 

It is so very true, that Mercy triumphs over Justice.  But it is hard.  

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