Taking a Stand Against FOCA


January 25, 2009

Conversion of St. Paul

Acts 9: 1-22: 1 Cor 7: 29-31 ;Mk 16:15-18

Dc. Larry Brockman

As Pope John Paul II said: “Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!”.  This is the challenge left to us as we close out this special year that was dedicated to St. Paul- to pass our faith on, and so, to strengthen it in ourselves.   

Now, we just heard Paul’s conversion story.  Here was a man who hated Christians, and voraciously persecuted them.   Even as he headed towards Damascus and was struck down, he was on a Mission to destroy the Christians there.  But, Jesus turned Paul around, and Paul became the great evangelizer of the Gentiles.  This proves that if, if you listen to the voice of God in your life, you can be converted to do His will.  All of us get those calls-  the catalyst may be a wake-up call from God like Paul had, or in the inspiration of someone in our lives, a relative or caretaker, or the messages we hear from the Church at the Liturgies.  But all of us are called to evangelize, just like Paul.  The Gospel makes that very clear:  “Go into the whole World and proclaim the Gospel to all creatures”.   

There are two related messages in today’s scripture I’d like to pursue.  First, it is never too late to convert someone, no matter how hard hearted; no matter how stubborn.  You and I can do it.  You can, with God’s help convert the most stubborn of souls.  You do it by sticking up for our faith with conviction and consistency, and through prayer- fervent prayer, even in the face of what seems like insurmountable obstacles.  There are many examples.  Take St, Augustine for example.  Augustine was a sinner who was a womanizer.  But his mother St. Monica prayed constantly for his conversion.  He was converted, as was Paul, in a moment of enlightenment sparked by a child on the seashore.  And he went on to become a great Doctor of the Church, proving that nothing is impossible for God for those who believe.     

Second, everyone is called to evangelize, and because God isn’t just kidding about everyone’s call, it is God’s intent that everyone’s work will have an effect.  Jesus words in the Gospel are not just directed to the Apostles.  They are directed towards all of you.  The example set by the early Christians- the martyrs who died for their faith; and the great early Christians who showed their love, converted Western civilization to Christianity.  So, everyone can, and does have an effect.   

Now there’s a specific mission that our Bishops are calling us all to take on this weekend.  This mission is a great example of how these two messages can be applied with good effect.  As you may have already heard, the US Bishops are conducting a postcard campaign this weekend   To fight efforts to pass the Freedom of Choice Act, or FOCA.  This act, disguised as an effort to add to our freedoms, would actually hurt freedom by any reasonable measure.  Here is what FOCA would do:  FOCA would greatly extend the reaches of Roe v. Wade in both its legislative scope and its promotion of abortion rights.  FOCA would invalidate existing laws which protect a woman from unsafe abortion clinics and require that they be given adequate information about the risks of abortive surgery.  FOCA would require federal funds to pay for abortions- your taxpayer money.  FOCA, because it would be federal legislation, would force the states to allow “partial-birth” and other late-term abortions even if there were state laws against them.  FOCA would require states to offer abortions by non-physicians.  FOCA would bar laws that protect the right of conscientious objection to abortion by a medical provider.   FOCA would deny parents an opportunity to be involved or informed about their daughter’s decision to have an abortion, even when under age. 

The new Congress has many more pro-choice advocates than before.  And so, our Bishops are rightfully concerned that abortion advocates will push for FOCA.  Yet, polls continue to show that most Americans oppose abortion.  It is a national disgrace that 4,000 babies are aborted every day in this country,  Especially since only 5% of these have been shown to be the infamous “exceptions” that we hear so much fuss about.  Exceptions like rape and incest and the health of the mother are just an excuse for the other 95% of the abortions.  So we, the majority, need to stand up and be counted.   

In addition, President Obama has vowed, yes that is vowed, to sign FOCA if it passes Congress.  Mr. Obama has said publicly that it is beyond his pay grade to determine when life begins, and has opposed measures to safeguard surviving near full term fetuses plucked out of the womb by an abortionist.  President Obama has the worst pro-life voting record in the senate.   

So, I propose a twofold mission that is a direct application of the two messages in today’s scriptures.  First, we all need to stand up for what is right, and evangelize in deed.  That you can all do, and see the effects of your actions, by participating in the Bishops postcard campaign against FOCA.  I will tell you how in just a few moments.     

Second, we need to convert Mr. Obama to a right to life advocate!  Hard as that may seem, we can do it by our prayer, and dedication to the principles of life.  We can hope, and pray, that the example set by millions of Catholics in the postcard campaign, and the efforts of many of our Evangelical and other Christian brethren who oppose this bad law, will prevail, and that Mr. Obama will see, as we firmly believe, that Life begins at conception.  But let’s not forget the power of our collective prayer.  

 When we finish this communion service today,  I have postcards for you.  These postcards are already addressed to your two senators, Martinez and Nelson and your Congressman, Alan Grayson.  All of you who are registered voters can help.  Just take one of the post card card sets and pen.  Sign these cards in the three places designated, and add your contact information in three places- address and telephone number.  Then leave the cards with me.  I will add them to our Parish’s postcards.  Our parish goal is 3000 postcard sets, by the way.  Imagine, with thousands of parishes throughout the USA, what an impact that we can all have- millions of postcards testifying to our faith and our commitment to Pro-Life.  Indeed, “Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!”- your faith as well. 

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