
  May 4, 2008


Acts 1: 1-11; Eph 1: 17-23; Math 28: 16-20 

Dc. Larry Brockman

A year of Evangelization- That’s what Bishop Wenski has declared as the theme For our Diocesan 40th Anniversary celebration.  Are you ready, Or are you going to miss that train? That train comes Thursday, May 8th and continues on Through Saturday evening, May 10th At the Orange County Convention Center When the Diocese is hosting a Festival of Faith. You probably have seen the TV and billboard adds; And maybe you looked at the brochure sent to all of you in the mail.  It describes all the events- performances by Adult and Children’s Choirs, top notch speakers on a variety of Faith topics, and magnificent Liturgies- one for the opening; one celebrating Marriage, and one celebrating the Youth.  There are plenty of Parish and organization displays to inform you on what’s going on in ministry.  But what does it all mean- this emphasis on Faith and Evangelizing, and why participate?

Each year, the church reenacts our salvation journey from the expectation of our Redeemer- Advent through the birth of God-made-Man- Christmas; into the Lenten period of Penance and Fasting; culminating in Holy Week, and the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.  This is followed by the joyful Resurrection of Jesus- Easter; and finally, the period after arrival of the Holy Spirit- Pentecost, a period in which we are reminded how we are to orient our lives to the will of God.  These Church seasons are structured so we don’t forget the story of our salvation in the humdrum of our lives.  And so we remember our baptismal promise to evangelize.  Evangelization means we spread our Faith, the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed.  That is God’s will for all of us, that we spread the good news of Christianity by our example.

As we come to the close of the Easter Season, we are at a high point in that church cycle. We are still experiencing the incredible joy that comes with knowing that we have been saved, and will experience Eternal Life- IF, if we follow Jesus and his commandments.

Today’s Gospel says it very clearly: “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations”.  That’s you- the Apostles are told to make disciples of you; and then Jesus says: “Teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and behold, I am with you always”.  So, each of you is made a disciple, an evangelizer, at Baptism.  But have you followed through on that promise?

You know, it’s ironic, but all of us are very much like the Apostles.  We have two hang ups in Evangelizing.  First, there is doubt.  Today’s Gospel tells us that  “When they saw him, they worshiped him, but they doubted”.  Imagine that.  These are people who actually saw the horrors of the crucifixion and then the unbelievable Resurrection.  But the Gospel says that even they still doubted.  Likewise, even though we say we believe, we still hold back from full belief- perhaps a lack of belief in the real presence; or a lack in trust that God will provide for us in difficult times; and maybe we lack belief that we can evangelize. 

Second, we keep looking for some other purpose in life besides fulfilling our Baptismal promise.  In the reading from Acts, Jesus tells his Apostles that they will soon be Baptized with God’s spirit.  That will give them the strength to speak of the Kingdom of God, and evangelize.  But right after telling them this, what do the Apostles ask him?  They ask Him if he is going to restore Israel now.  As if restoration of the earthly kingdom is the kingdom of God.

They just didn’t get it.  They didn’t understand their call to live their life according to Jesus Commandments with the help of the Holy Spirit.  How about you?  Is your focus is on how you want things to be, or is it on living according to Jesus Commandments and living God’s will for you?

In just a week we will celebrate Pentecost.  Pentecost symbolizes the arrival of God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, into our lives.  Paul talks about the gift of the spirit this morning.  It is a spirit of wisdom and revelation.  That’s what you need to hear the real call of God in your lives- a spirit of wisdom and revelation; a spirit of discernment of God’s will for you.  How appropriate that Pentecost caps off our Festival of Faith because this week, in the festival, you have a great opportunity.  First, you have an opportunity to evangelize just by being there, because that tells the world that our Catholic community is alive and well and committed.  But also you have an opportunity to see what is going on- to see how others are putting their faith into action.  And you have an opportunity to pray on what God’s will is for you.  Then, next Sunday, on Pentecost, the spirit of God will be there to give you the wisdom and power to renew your faith and commitment to His will.

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