Thursday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary time
Wis 7: 22b- 8: 1; Luke 17: 20-25
Deacon Larry Brockman
So, the Kingdom of God is amongst us! And yet it is not something that one can announce and point to. Such a mystery.
And it certainly is a mystery to us human beings, because we lack the wisdom to truly comprehend the concept. We confuse God’s wisdom with earthly concepts for wisdom- a mixture of intelligence and knowledge; reasoning and observations. Yet we constrain our faculties to the things of this physical world, not the least of which is the dimension of time.
One thing is certain. Those who enjoy the Kingdom of God are alive; but to be alive means more than just life in this world. Some people have embraced life in the larger sense. They prioritize a relationship with God in their earthly lives. And to be alive in this way is to have God living in them- God’s spirit motivates and graces them. These folks are privileged with the special gift that the author of Wisdom speaks about this morning. They are the “holy souls that Wisdom passes into from age to age”. They are destined to everlasting life, and since they are alive today, and they are amongst us, then the Kingdom of God is amongst us as well.
Because some people have been gifted with Wisdom, they exhibit the characteristics listed in that first reading to a greater extent than most people. There is a sense about them that exudes intelligence, holiness, and uniqueness. Their wisdom exhibits itself in many ways, is subtle, quick, and clear. It is unstained, certain, not baneful, and keen. It is unhampered by the opposition, kindly, firm, and beneficial to those who come in contact with them. They are secure, firm, and tranquil people.
If you think about some of the really holy people of our century, people like John Paul II, Padre Pio, and Mother Theresa, these characteristics leap out at us. All three of these people were unique, yet each of them exhibited the characteristics of true Wisdom to a greater extent.
But you know what? All of us are invited to be holy as these special saints were holy because all of us are invited to the heavenly Kingdom by virtue of our Baptisms. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says as much. It is God’s will that all of what the Father gave him be saved. And Jesus says that the Father gave all of us to him.
Jesus did his part: He came, he showed us the way to live life by accepting the will of the Father and suffering whatever the consequences in worldly reaction. He left the Gospel as his roadmap. And then he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, the seat of the Kingdom of God. In so doing, he opened up and paved the way for us.
Now it is up to all of us to follow his example. Our first step going forward is to seek out the Wisdom of God. When it comes, it will be a subtle knowing; a warmth that comforts our hearts when we are troubled as long as we respond to His urgings. That’s what it means to seek ye first the Kingdom of God.