Posts Tagged ‘Knowing our Faith’

Standing Up For What We Believe In

Thursday, March 7th, 2013

Thursday of the Third Week in Lent

Jer 7: 23-28; Lk 11: 14-23

Dc. Larry Brockman

Are we a Kingdom divided against itself?  Has faithfulness diminished amongst us?  Is the Word of God banished from our speech?    I think it is fair to say that there are signs that these things are happening to Christians as a whole and to the Catholic Church in specific in today’s world.  Today, there are strong voices of dissent amongst Catholics.  These voices of dissent pay lip service to the Creed each Sunday because they don’t really believe in everything the Church teaches.  Rather, they pick and choose with the attitude that they can discern for themselves.

Make no mistake about it.  The Jeremiah prophecy applies as much today as it did to the countless generations of Israelis who didn’t listen to their prophets and didn’t walk in the ways of the Lord.

Let me point out a few, for example:  A divorce rate over 50 %; Sunday Church attendance at about 30%; rampant immorality on TV and in our movies and on the internet that reflects itself in our music and dress as well; 4 Million abortions a year in this country and a society that tolerates it; and a society that is slowly legalizing marijuana and gay marriage.  Even though this congregation may be a bright spot in the midst of our society, the point is that, it is not enough.  It’s just not enough.  More is required of us, the God fearing folk.

You see, that’s what the parable is all about.  Just like the palace in the parable, the Christian element of our society is under attack.  We are depending on a strong man, fully armed to guard our palace.  But just who is this strong man?  It represents the Church.  And the Church consists of not just the building, but all of us believers as well.

Today, our strong man doesn’t appear to be strong enough because secular society is getting too strong in its demands  They have taken away our religious freedom and are poised to disband our institutions- schools and hospitals and other agencies.  We stand the danger of being overrun by the enemy.

Now our strength comes from our unity; and from the obedience that breeds unity.  That is the armor that our strong man depends on- all of us.  Unity and compliance is what Jeremiah is calling for.  But the Old Testament people had hardened their hearts.  They turned their backs to the Lord.  And it applies to us as well, doesn’t it.  Because 70% of our Catholic brethren have turned their back on the Church, and have hardened their hearts.

So, what’s the answer, what’s the way out?  In a word, evangelization-   We have got to evangelize, starting with our own people –  Our brothers and sisters, children, parents, friends, co-workers, playmates, you name it.

How do we evangelize?  We do it, first of all, by our example,. So “Let us bow down in worship; let us sing joyfully to the Lord; and let us acclaim the rock that saves us”.  And then, we do it by being pro-active.  Know about your faith so you can intelligently answer their questions; show them that you are involved; practice what the Church preaches, all of it; and lastly, but most importantly, tell them how great it is to belong, to be a member of the Kingdom of God.  And then, welcome them home.    Yes indeed, “If today you hear his voice, ‘Harden not your hearts”.