Offering Sacrifices to the Secular World

November 19th, 2009

Thursday of the 32nd Week in Ordinary Time

1 Mac 2: 15-29; Luke 19: 41-44

Dc. Larry Brockman

Just because we don’t carry animals to an altar to be burned there, doesn’t mean that we don’t offer pagan sacrifices in today’s world.  Ok then, so what would it mean to offer sacrifices to the King today according to some decree?  A decree which runs counter to the long standing teaching of our religion?  I think that when we give significant time, talent, or treasure in support of any cause, then we are making a sacrifice.   

Now, we have been asked to offer time, talent, and treasure in some measure to our Church.  Father Ennis spoke about the treasure part of stewardship this past weekend.  He spoke about sacrificial giving- giving which is out of our needs rather than out of our surplus.  Well, the same thing applies to our relationship with the secular world.  Whenever we give significant time, talent, or treasure to the secular world, we are making a sacrifice- offering up our treasure out of our needs rather than our surplus.  And the fact is, that we have only so much time, talent and treasure to give, so that whether we like it or not, we are setting a priority on how we use our time, talent, and treasure.  And if we make our priority anything in the secular world that compromises our relationship with God then it is like the offering of sacrifices to the King in accordance with the decree because the “King” becomes something other than Christ.  We can offer such pagan sacrifices by supporting a blatantly evil cause- like Planned Parenthood; and by an addiction that depletes our time, talent or treasure, such as an addiction to pornography or video games or gambling, or drugs, or TV, or football, or even work.   

This is the time of year when we are being asked to reflect.  Reflect on the fact that at any time, the end could be near.  It is imperative that we have our priority straight on how to allocate our time, talent, and treasure.  Why?  Because you don’t want Jesus to say to you:  “They will smash you to the ground and your children within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation” 

Enjoy Your Feast Day

November 1st, 2009


All Saints Day

Rev 7: 2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3: 1-3; Mt 5: 1-12a

Dc. Larry Brockman

What does it mean to be a saint?  I think we get some strong clues in today’s readings.

Saints are people who are humble in spirit; who suffer quietly through life’s trials; and who are meek and not arrogant.  Saints thirst and hunger for the right thing to do, rather than the expedient thing to do.  They are merciful, forgiving those who do them wrong.  They have pure and clean hearts, and stay within God’s moral law; they don’t cheat when nobody is looking.  They are peacemakers, and avoid confrontations to get even; they rejoice at the success of others, even when they, themselves, fail.  And yet, saints endure persecution when they are defending their faith- they hang in there in faith even when they are insulted and berated for what they do.  These are things that characterize the saints.  They live a life that is patterned after Jesus.  

Lot’s of times, we think the saints are just canonized saints-  the apostles, the martyrs, and great defenders of the faith from the past, people like Saints Peter and Paul and Augustine and Agatha and Catherine of Siena and Joan of Arc.  And indeed, the Church has recognized these people as saints.  But there is something we should all know about these saints.  They were not perfect.  Each of the classic saints I mentioned above had sinned.  Peter denied Christ three times; Paul persecuted the Christians before his conversion; and Augustine led a pleasure seeking life before his conversion.  But, they went on to practice one or more of the beatitudes with zeal.   

Now, there are many people who lived amongst us recently who were not perfect but who practiced one or more of the Beatitudes we mentioned above.  They lived them out of faith, and they lived them with a passion.  Some easily recognized modern day saints include war heroes who sacrificed their lives to save others; and people dedicated to relieving the suffering of the poor and lepers, and people who dedicated their lives to caring for unwed mothers who were considering abortion.  There are names we can think of that fit each of these three categories.  Yes, they may have been sinners as well.  But God’s mercy triumphs over justice.  And these people were surely saints for what they have done.   

Likewise, there are many living amongst us today who are destined to become saints.  They are people in our own families who have given up their own dreams of personal achievement  In order to follow some task they have been called to do.  Like raising children; caring for aging parents; providing for their families; teaching others; using God’s resources to make life better for us all, and defending our country against terror.  They, also, are not perfect- they are sinners as well.  The point is that saints live their faith as imperfect humans.  They work at it with zeal, and God’s mercy triumphs over justice.   

Today, we recognize all these latter day saints as well as the canonized ones.  They are amongst the great multitude which no one could count.  They survived the time of great distress.  The Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.   

Now, that calls to mind this question.  What does it mean to be a saint?  Yes, what is it that waits for those who become saints?  John answers that question for us.  He says that we are God’s children now.  So we are first of all, God’s children.  Now think about when you were a child.  We needed to learn to do what we were told just because our parents said so.  So also, we need to do what God wants us to do.  We need to do it even if we don’t understand it, just because God told us to do so.  Why?  Because God loves us, just like our parents loved us.  How does God love us?  God’s love was displayed visibly by the gift of his Son Jesus.  His son suffered and died for us.  But then, he was resurrected. 

We have been told that it will be the same for us.  We will suffer and die, and most importantly, we will be resurrected, thanks to the gift of Jesus becoming human, a gift we will soon celebrate as we enter the Advent and Christmas season.  John goes on to say that even though we be resurrected, we don’t know what that will be like.  But he says that we will be like him, like Jesus. 

Wow!  Think of that.  We will be like Jesus, and we will know the Father just like He does.  And knowing in this sense, is experiencing God.  So we will experience the love and the glory and the joy that is from God.  We will be part of the Kingdom of God.  

So rejoice everybody.  Rejoice that you are destined to become a saint,   Imperfect though you may be.  And rejoice over the everlasting joy that will be yours.  Because this is your feast day, the feast of All Saints. 

Learning Not to Fear the Future

October 29th, 2009


Thursday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Rom 8: 31b-39; Lk 13: 31-35

Dc. Larry Brockman

FDR once said: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself”.  That sort of sums up Paul’s message to the Romans today.  Christians in Paul’s day were living in fear, fear of the things that Paul mentioned-  anguish, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and the sword because Christians faced persecutions from the state, and because the Jews experienced a severe put down from the Romans.  Yes indeed, they were experiencing fear.     

You know, this is an age where some of the things Paul mentioned all of a sudden seem to be taking on some meaning for us.  After a 60 year period of post-war prosperity, we now hear of impending dooms that instill fear, perhaps real, perhaps not.  But, there is no question that high unemployment, the massive bailout, the debate over health care- all of these things are instilling a sense of uncertainty in us- an uncertainty that could lead to fear.  Likewise, Religion is being attacked today- and that is evident in the breakdown of the family, declining public moral values, and increased crime.  This too, is something that we might experience some fear about.  And this is a fear that is new to most of us because we weren’t around during the Depression and the Great War.   And certainly, we have not lived in a society where Christian values have been under attack like they are today.   

But as Paul clearly states, fear is not something that we, as Christians, should become victim to.  Because nothing, absolutely nothing, not even fear itself, can separate us from the love of God.  Yes, we may have to suffer here in this age if our public society becomes less tolerant of our moral code and if our economy crumbles around us.  But in the midst of that suffering, we need to trust in God because all these perils count as nothing if we trust in God.  If God was willing to sacrifice his only son for us, and raise him up to everlasting life, and if we believe Jesus promise that we who believe will be raised on the last day, then we have nothing to fear.  Because God will certainly do whatever is needed to take care of us too. 

So let us take away a message of hope and joy from Paul’s message this morning- joy over the knowledge that nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Love, indeed, casts out all fear. 

Everyone is Called

October 25th, 2009


30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jer 31: 7-9; Heb 5: 1-6; Mk 10: 46-52

Dc. Larry Brockman

Everyone likes to think they are special.  Everybody likes to be singled out, and called upon. 

I recall an incident last weekend that shows this.  There was an opening for one of the officers on the Deacon’s Council.  The President of the Council said nobody had stepped forward to be a candidate, and so he asked for people to volunteer as a candidate.  But nobody volunteered.  Finally, after awkward moments of silence, someone was nominated and we elected that person.  Later, some of us were discussing the situation at dinner.  Several folks indicated they would have been willing to serve.  But, to a person, they all wanted to be asked to serve.  They didn’t want to volunteer to serve.  They wanted to be chosen, set apart by someone else recognizing them.  Yes, everybody likes to be called.

Today’s scriptures are all about being called.  First, we hear of the remnant of Israel, called back to the promised land after the exile.  Notice that among that number, the blind and the women with children were specially mentioned.  It seems to me that these are folks one would not normally call to a special role- pregnant women and blind people.  But the message was that everybody was being called by God, even the least capable of serving were being called.  This perception is reinforced by the words that talk about gathering folks from all over the world, not just those that were in the place of exile, Babylon.   

Likewise, all of us are being called today.  We are all swept up in the call to be part of the promised land, the Kingdom of God.  But the call is a general call, it is not one that singles us out, one where someone comes up to you and says you have been specially chosen.  And so, many don’t hear that call.   

In the Gospel, we hear about a man being called as well.  Bartimaeus is a blind man who wants to see.  He has been stuck- a victim of his blindness, his entire life.  But, he heard about Jesus, and that gave him hope.  So, he pesters Jesus by calling aloud to him, only to be rebuked by those around Jesus.  What does Jesus do?  He calls him, and cures him, and Bartimaeus follows Jesus thereafter.  In this case, Bartimaeus stepped forward, stepped out of his blindness because he had a desire- a desire to see.  He wasn’t chosen as special to begin with.  Rather, he was chosen for the special gift of sight only after he made the first step. 

Symbolically, all of us who are called, but don’t respond, are just like Bartimaeus.  We are just as stuck, parked on the sidelines of life, and blind to the call we have all received from God.  We don’t recognize the general call talked about in the first reading- that all of us, whatever our situation, whether healthy or sick, rich or poor, busy or not, pregnant or not; we are called by God to come and join his march to the Kingdom.  But we don’t go, and so we remain as we are, stuck.   

Bartimaeus recognized his blindness, and so he called out to the Lord.  It was then that he was able to hear the voice of Jesus who told him to come, and enjoy a special gift from the Lord- the gift of sight.  And In exchange for opening his eyes, Jesus asks the man to follow him.  He will do the same for you and I if we respond.  The key to our admission into the Kingdom is to have our eyes opened into what is really important, to what we have been called to do in our lives and to follow the example of Jesus Christ by living it.  For most, it is probably right in front of us, but we are blind to it.  Rather, we are looking for something that isn’t for us- fancy things, fantasy relationships, special accomplishments- whatever it is that we do see, rather than the simple things that are right in front of us that we just don’t see calling to us- our children, someone who needs our help, or some thankless job that needs to be done, something that we just pass right over without seeing- like someone stuck on the side of the road as we drive by. 

So, my challenge to you is to pray that your eyes may be opened to the reality that God wants for you, the one right in front of you that you cannot see.  Open your eyes, and take it in and follow Jesus along the way. 

Setting the World on Fire

October 22nd, 2009


Thursday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time

Rom 6: 19-23; Lk 12: 49-53

Dc. Larry Brockman

Sounds more like a politician than Jesus- dividing brothers and sisters and separating dads and moms from their children.  Is that what Christianity is all about, setting the world on fire and causing divisions in families?  How can that be? 

Well, I think Jesus emphasis is on something other than dividing people. He is talking about the excitement he is feeling over his knowledge of the impending fulfillment of His mission on earth- his death and resurrection.  He is excited because his sacrifice will bring with it our redemption and our salvation with the reward of eternal life.   He is excited, because knows all of us can be saved; but not without the consequences.  And the consequences are the divisions among families and discord because the Kingdom of God and the secular world are at battle with each other.  Nowhere is this clearer than in our first reading.  Because we want to be comfortable; to feel good, and to be free of pain,.we cater to our bodies, to the flesh.  Paul advises us to put aside the flesh, because ultimately it leads to death.  Rather, we are to become slaves to Christ, and that leads to sanctification and eternal life. 

So, let us join with Jesus in his joy, the joy he feels over the success of his mission.  We have been saved through the saving work of Jesus.  And if we commit to a life that puts God first, rather than satisfying our bodily passions, even though that may alienate us from some of our families, we can rejoice in the knowledge that we have sealed our ultimate happiness. 

And if we take the message seriously, we can yet set the world on fire with our efforts to evangelize in fulfillment of Jesus desire.

Dealing With the Wicked

October 8th, 2009


Thursday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time

Mal 3: 13-20b; Lk 11: 5-13

Dc. Larry Brockman

Indeed, things haven’t changed have they?  The wicked in the days of the Old Testament just decide to ignore the Lord and do as they please, seemingly reaping the benefits of dishonesty and cunning evil.  It’s easy for us to get discouraged like the folks 3,000 years ago as we look around us and see people prospering, yet who are lying, cheating, and backbiting their way through life just to get ahead, people who seem fearless of the wrath of God.  Nothing seems to stop them; nothing seems to get in their way.  We ask ourselves, “where is God”?  Why doesn’t he reward those who are honest?  Why does he let these people who ignore his laws get ahead? 

And yet, Malachi tells us the time is coming when all the proud will be made stubble.  So there is this message of hope, hope for the coming of the Kingdom when all evil will find its true reward, and those who are honest and faithful to God are rewarded. 

Two things came to mind as I pondered these readings.  First, we must be firm in our resolve to be honest  and do what is right no matter how dishonest the people of the world are around us.  God will reward us in his way and in his own time. 

Recently, I went to a tire dealer to get a flat tire repaired.  I can think of few tire businesses where one can count on honesty.  But I found one a few years ago.  On my way, I passed a few shops that were nearly empty.  But I went to a particular shop because I trusted them.  Because I knew this shop would fix the tire right for a fair price, and they would tell me I needed a new tire, but only if I really needed one  They wouldn’t try to con me into buying new tires when I didn’t need them.  I had to wait quite a while, because the place was packed.  Now as I looked around, while I waited, I couldn’t help but be struck by the tremendous volume of business compared to the two places just down the street.  You see, people eventually find out who is honest and who isn’t.  And this man’s business was a living testimony to that.  In essence, he was receiving his reward, even in this world.  I know it wasn’t always that way for him, because I have been going there for many years, and they weren’t always so busy.  Sometimes it takes patience and resolve, but it can and does happen. 

Second, we must be persistent in asking God for what we need, especially when we are faced with injustice.  Jesus makes this point very clear in the Gospel.  That God will hear those who are persistent.  So, when you feel downtrodden, be a pest to God in your zeal for what you ask.   

The key thing is that we must trust in the Lord always,  Because he has only the best intentions for those of us who love Him. 

Respect Life

October 4th, 2009

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gen 2: 18-24; Heb 2: 9-11; Mk 10: 2-16

Dc. Larry Brockman


“Because of the hardness of your hearts, he wrote this command”.  Such was Jesus comment to the Pharisees about Moses as they tried to justify divorce.  Jesus then defined the Christian understanding of marriage, quoting from Genesis, the same part of Genesis as our First Reading.  The words are very clear.  One man and one woman marry and become one, and what God joins together, no man should separate.  And yet, even after his clear words to the Pharisees, the apostles called Jesus aside and questioned him.  And so Jesus adds that to divorce and marry another is adultery- pretty strong words.  They are a direct and explicit moral teaching on marriage. 

Indeed, this Gospel confirms for us that there are moral absolutes.  They are absolutes because God said so, and that God’s word is really not negotiable.  Let me elaborate.  

Recall that during the description of the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis, just after the part we read today, Adam and Eve were told that “The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” was off limits.  But they ate the fruit because they wanted to be like God, and know good and evil.  But man is not permitted to define good and evil.  That charter, defining good and evil, is God’s charter.  Rather, man must follow the natural law and the moral law that God has defined to us because we are not Gods, and do not have God’s wisdom. So, we cannot discern good and evil.  We live this life in an imperfect world until we learn to follow God’s will and keep his commandments accordingly.


Now God handed down the law to us in various ways:  It’s in the ten commandments, It’s in the Mosaic law, and it’s in the moral teachings in the Gospels and the Christian letters that form the New Testament.  God also defines His law in the workings of nature- that is called natural law.  In its wisdom, the Church has accumulated and made sense of God’s law for us.  That’s what the Catechism of the Church summarizes: a definition of what we believe and what God has defined as right and wrong.


Today is Right to Life Sunday.  It is essential that practicing Catholics understand the above principle on God’s role in matters of faith and morals as background to the Right to Life.  Otherwise, we will be confused by man’s wisdom, and man’s law that follows from it.  Because man’s wisdom sometimes attempts to define good and evil apart from God, and that is the sin of Adam and Eve.  And so, man’s law can be flawed. 

Now we Catholics have a solemn obligation to follow the Church’s teachings on Right to Life Issues rather than accept man made wisdom and laws.  The Right to Life is one of the most important areas covered by the Catechism, and so we should know what the Church teaches and follow it. 

Right to Life includes many hot button issues that are being discussed and debated in the public domain:  Abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, embryonic research, war, and capital punishment are a few of these areas.  But life itself is integrally connected with quality of life.  And so the Right to Life includes one’s access to food, water, and shelter as well.  Simply stated, the poor and the marginalized have a right to life, just like those who hold a more fortunate position in society.  And that is why the Right to Life is such an important issue.  Because it is pervasive; it touches everything that society and government struggle with to provide for people.


So, what are some of the teachings of the Church on Right to Life straight out of the Catechism?  Well, that life begins at Conception (Jer 1:5); that abortion is wrong and that it is wrong to kill infants (Did 2:2);  that it is wrong, by an act of omission or commission, to cause a sick and diminished person to die, that’s called Euthanasia; that it is wrong to take one’s own life; and that everyone is entitled to basic needs- food, clothing, housing, etc. 

It is not enough, however, to know these things, and believe them personally, and then be silent about them when these basic rights are violated in society around us.  We have an obligation to get involved, and to do what we can to assure that our government guarantees these rights.  We do that by voting for the right candidates, speaking out against government officials and policies when they infringe on the Right to Life, and by our own personal example in living our daily lives at work, in school and as a homemaker.


In the last couple of months, the Respect Life Organization has been extremely pleased with your response to all three of our recent appeals.   3,000 post cards were sent to our Senators and representatives opposing the Freedom of Choice Act.  Over $10,000 was collected in the baby bottle appeal.  On both counts, this is more than any other parish in the Diocese.  Over 1700 of you signed up for spiritual adoption of an unborn baby.  These were absolutely outstanding responses from our Parish.  Congratulations to all of you for your support and help.


But these are troubled times for Right to Life in America.  There was a change in government this year that brought a sweeping change in philosophy with it.  The philosophy confuses rights with wants.  Pro-choice, for example, confuses the wants of a mother, with the rights of an unborn child; and gay marriage confuses the wants of two gay people, with the right of a man and a woman to procreate. 

Not only that, we have become a victim to a mantra of “judge not, lest you be judged”  As an excuse for allowing and even sanctioning people’s so-called right to do what is morally wrong by Christian Standards.  But as we have shown earlier, there are moral absolutes:  Abortion and Euthanasia are wrong; marriage is for a man and a woman.  These are moral absolutes.  We are not judging people- that is up to God.  We are judging the morality of certain acts by the standards we are supposed to believe in, the standards in our Catechism; and we don’t want society to legislate morality that is counter to those standards. 


Now many of our current leaders, including so-called Catholics, are outspoken opponents of the Right to Life.  Several of them I can think of have publicly denied the teaching of the Church, claiming that they are following their consciences.  This is another argument one hears often-  that our consciences prevail over church laws and statutes.  After all, following God’s law is something that needs to come from the heart, and that’s what our consciences determine.  Indeed, the Catechism does advise us that we must be allowed to act in conformity with our conscience.  But there is an important catch, because the Catechism also says that our consciences must be informed and enlightened in moral judgment.  If one chooses to ignore or reject God’s law, than they have not properly formed their conscience.

What is most alarming about Catholic public officials opposing the Church’s teaching on Right to Life is the bad example it sets for other Catholics, and the impression it gives to greater society that the matter is open for debate in the Church.  In Church Canon Law, that is called causing scandal. That is why it is important for those of us who are committed Catholics to be heard, to make a correct moral judgment, and to speak out and validate the position of the Church. 


There are many ways that you can help.  Respect life is conducting a membership campaign- sign up and get involved.  They have access to many resources that can help you to get involved- for example, by writing your elected officials; by participating in programs that help people struggling with a decision on abortion; and by helping the marginalized and elderly.

Last but not least, there is a very easy way for you all to demonstrate your commitment to the Right to Life today.  Because from 1:30 PM to 3 PM today, we will be forming the Life Chain out on Apopka Vineland in front of the Church.  You are invited to be there.  Make it a memorable event, a massive demonstration for the Right to Life.  Fr. Ennis will be there, and so will I.  See you then. 

How Do You React to the Word of God?

October 1st, 2009

Thursday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time

St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

Neh 8: 1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Lk 10: 1-12

Dc. Larry Brockman

Imagine for a moment that one of the 72 new disciples comes to you,  all fired up with the zeal of the Lord,  commissioned by Jesus, the Lord himself, just as we just heard in today’s Gospel.  This emissary knocks on your door, kind of like the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormon’s come knocking at our doors today, preaching repentance, salvation, and the coming of the Kingdom.  For some, it might be uncomfortable.  But for others, searching for the truth,  wouldn’t that be something- hearing the message of the Kingdom of God  proclaimed by someone who had direct contact with Jesus!  That would be really special. 

Now just suppose that you look at this Gospel in a new light,  Suppose you imagined that the person proclaiming the message, the Word of God, every time you hear it at Mass,  was one of these 72 disciples?  You see, the fact is that we are all so very blessed.  Because we all hear the good news of the Kingdom of God proclaimed to us each time we come to Mass.  It is as if one of these 72 disciples is knocking on our door fired up and commissioned to tell the good news of the Kingdom to you.  The Priest, the Deacon, and the Lector all fulfill this role. 

Only, we have to make a choice.  We can choose to reject the message, whether it’s by not paying attention; deciding that we’ve heard it all before;  or because we aren’t searching for the relevance.    Or do we open the door of our hearts to the scripture message-  eager to listen and take it to heart; yearning to find meaning in every word; and searching for the relevance in our lives?   

All scripture has meaning and relevance.  That is our challenge- to find it, to seek that which brings us to the Kingdom of God.  Lest, we hear it said to us  that “It will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day,  than for that town”.   

Sin is Alive in the World

September 27th, 2009


September 27, 2009

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Num 11:25-29; James 5: 1-6; Mk 9: 38-43, 45, 47-48

Dc. Larry Brockman

Sin is real!  Alive and well in our world.  Personal sin.  It is a central topic in today’s readings. 

First, James paints a picture that makes it sound like the rich are truly doomed, about to be damned for their sins against everybody else.  But, it would be a mistake to think that this reading applies just to the rich, and not to us.  Because James central point is that people hoard out of selfishness, and all of us are guilty of that sin to some extent.  We all have a tendency to jealously guard what we perceive as our own.  Not only that, other sin often accompanies our attempts to guard what is ours.  For example, which of us doesn’t bend the rules in our favor every chance we get, without concern for what it does to others.   

And then Jesus gives advice like this:  “It is better for you to enter life crippled, than with two feet to be thrown into Hell!”  Wow, such strong words.  We are being chastised to be careful of anything that may lead us to sin, our feet, our eyes, and our hands included.  Jesus tells us we would be better off without hands, feet and eyes if they lead us to sin, because, the day of judgment is coming when we will be held accountable for all that we have done. 

In fact, we are at that time in the Church year when we are reminded of judgment because we are getting close to Advent, and the coming of Christ.  And Advent heralds the coming of both the Christ Child, and Christ’s Second Coming at the Last Judgment.  And so, we would do well to reflect on our sins, whatever they are.

 We may think we can hide them from our fellow man, like the hoarding of wealth.  It’s as if we safely tuck away some of our sins in the back of our minds, sins like jealousy, gluttony, lust, and even anger,  Resolving not to express what we think and do in private.   We think we can hide these from almost everyone else.  But, we cannot hide them from God.  And on judgment day, they will be laid out in the brightness of God’s light. 

Now there are a couple of things that are worth mentioning about this type of personal sin.  First, it affects others in ways that we probably cannot see.  We may think that it is personal and internal, but it isn’t.  That’s because things like jealousy, envy, and lust are reflected to others by our personalities. They may not appear as clearly and directly, but they are reflected by the whole person we are  Much like our images are reflected in a mirror.  Other people can see us the way we really are, even when we think we are hiding from them.  They see it in an edge in our attitude, a sarcastic word, or an unkind remark, and even by silence when we should speak up.  So, this type of personal sin does contribute to the culture of the world, and we are responsible for it.  Jesus comments on that in the Gospel when he says that “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin” would be better with a milestone tied around them. 

That’s why it is so important to reflect deep down within ourselves, and identify this type of personal sin.   We don’t take the time to do that in our society very often,  and so, we can make today an opportunity to do that.   

Secondly, this type of sin can be forgiven.  We need to confess it to Our Lord, and make a real act of contrition.  For us who are Catholic, we have the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  That makes it straightforward for us to get the burden off of ourselves and feel God’s grace in the sacrament of Reconciliation.  Now these kinds of sins, especially when not confessed, make us feel guilty deep down.  But once forgiven, we need not feel guilt any more.  We are freed from guilt by the mercy that God shows us.  We just need to resolve to avoid that sin in the future and then, we need not fear that coming judgment.   

Buried in today’s scripture is a really hopeful lesson about the Last Judgment because Jesus also says that “Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, will surely not lose his reward”.  And so, as somber as the Last Judgment may seem, because we fear the wrath of God regarding our sin, the fact is that Judgment can, and will be a time of great rejoicing for those who believe. 

For those who have demonstrated their Faith with works, works as simple as offering a cup of water to a brother in Christ, the last Judgment will be a time of great joy!

On Procrastination

September 24th, 2009


September 24, 2009

Thursday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time

Hag 1: 1-8; Lk 9: 7-9

Dc. Larry Brockman

Years ago Johnny Carson used to feature a young fellow named Bob every once and a while who was the consummate procrastinator.  He would put off just about everything till later, and make a joke about it.  It was a great routine.  It was funny, but at the same time it often hit home, because all of us procrastinate, all of us put off some important tasks as we go through life. 

Herod was such a man.  Fascinated by reports of both St. John the Baptist and Jesus, Herod wanted to know more.  The Gospel says of Herod “And he kept trying to see him”.  So basically he procrastinated- he put it off. 

We can only speculate on the reason.  Was it because he was too lazy?  Was it because he thought he was too busy- preoccupied with his important position?  Or perhaps it was it because he wanted Jesus to come to him, a man of importance, rather than He, Herod, making the first step? 

Now sometimes we wait to do something important as well.  And we will use excuses like the ones above.  When you think about it, the three reasons boil down to this: laziness, arrogance, and pride.  That sounds kind of harsh, but when you cut away all the words around the excuses, these are what remain.  The devil knows how to use these human tendencies, and he is active and alive in procrastinators because the easiest of all things to do, is to do nothing at all. 

Yet, some of the things that we put on the back burner are important-  resolving problems with those we love; confessing our sins and making restitution; making changes that we know are needed in our lives; and lot’s of other things. 

The bottom line is this.  The Gospel is not just talking about Herod.  The Gospel is talking about us.Â