Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ez 33: 7-9; Rom 13: 8-10; Matt 18: 15-20
Dc. Larry Brockman
There’s certainly no lack of evil in today’s world, is there?
While on a beach vacation, my wife’s bike was stolen from the rental property even though the place had a locked gate. A few nights later, we watched an internet video of a lady dismantling a beach canopy. Gone just a few minutes to get a cold drink, the owner walked up with his I-phone recording the scene and asked her what she was doing. “Taking down my canopy” was her response. This takes place in broad daylight, in full view of everyone on the beach. The woman and her friend start cussing and threatening the owner, and even attacked him, knocking the i-phone out of his hand. Everybody else just stood by and watched.
And then there is society as a whole. All you have to do is listen to the news for just one day, and you’ll get a belly full of it- pornographic photos of starlets stolen and posted on the internet; evidence of Government lies and cover-ups in multiple areas; scam schemes to defraud thousands of Home Depot Customers. Yes, and all of that in just a few days.
What can and should we do about such evil and the wicked?
Our society has changed significantly over the last 100 years- and a lot of it is for the better. But when it comes to holding people accountable for evil, I’m not so sure. There was a time when we could all expect that our neighbors had roughly the same moral values that we did. We were, after all, a Nation founded on Judeo-Christian Values. But political correctness of today preaches “tolerance” of alternate traditions such as Moslems, Buddhists, American Indian Spirituality, and other religions. And this also forces us to “tolerate” the values of people who claim to be Wickens, Atheists, and Devil Worshippers.
And to make matters worse, modern society has embraced “Relativism”. Relativists say evil is not absolute, but rather, relative to the situation. But that is not what the Church Teaches. Several times a year we hear the Gospel story about building houses on rock rather than sand. The rock we are advised to build on is absolute- God’s law. God’s law is not relative- it is absolute. Things are either morally right or wrong; culpability may vary with circumstances, but not the rightness or wrongness of an action.
Lastly, our affluent society seems perfectly content without God. Church attendance in the US is under 50 %; in Europe it is 8 %. Is there any wonder than that the youth of today don’t know right from wrong- who is there to teach them?
This tolerance and relativism and apathy towards God has caused the loss of a common set of values. And so we cannot be sure our neighbors see things as we do. In fact, more than likely they do not. That’s why there are people next to us on the beach who see nothing wrong with stealing beach canopies and bikes.
The question for us this morning is this. After listening to Ezekiel’s words in the first reading; and after hearing Jesus’ words in the Gospel, just what is our responsibility to our brothers and sisters with regard to calling attention and doing something about evil? In a society where we are discouraged, even prohibited, from imposing our set of values so that we “tolerate” the diversity of other values, just what is our responsibility? How do we apply what we hear in this Church on the outside.
First, let me quote you something from paragraph 450 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “From the beginning of Christian History, the assertion of Christ’s lordship over the world and over history has implicitly recognized that man should not submit his personal freedom in an absolute manner to any earthly power but only to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. So, that means that we have an obligation to obey God’s Law first, before we obey the Government.
What we are hearing this morning is that if we see evil going on around us- evil caused by our human brothers and sisters- we have an obligation to call them on it. We have an obligation to call them on it whether their actions are legal according to the Government or not; and we have an obligation to call them on it if it is going on around us but doesn’t affect us personally because evil is evil; and because, as Ezekiel clearly says, we will be held responsible for our brother’s actions if we do not warn them. Yes, brothers and sisters, God may hold us accountable for the sins of others if we don’t make an attempt to correct them.
Granted, our efforts to call out the wicked and their wickedness need to be done properly. For individuals, that means that we go to them quietly first; and if that fails, then we go to them with one or two witnesses; and if that fails, we have the Church or the authorities take up the matter.
But what about society as a whole? What can we, and should we, do about eroding moral values in our society as a whole? There are lots of areas where we see our values being eroded- basic honesty, respect for property, the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and respect for life are examples.
St. Paul recommends love in our second reading because love does no evil. But he expands on battling evil in Ephesians 7:11, when he says: “Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil”. Then he defines that armor: Truth, Righteousness, Faith, the Hope of Salvation, and the Word of God.
But in order for these things to be armor, we have to put them into practice. Father Rex has talked about being a disciple the last couple of weeks. And that is what I am saying too- “Be a disciple of Christ”. We have to proclaim the word, have faith and trust in God, hold to the truth no matter what, and live a righteous life. That’s the way to defeat evil. It’s called involvement; it’s called being a dynamic Catholic. To be a dynamic Catholic you have to know your Faith; believe in what you know; and practice what you believe. Sometimes that means speaking up; writing letters, calling someone out in public, and refusing to comply with an unjust law- it means all of those things and more.
Imagine how things would change If all 6,000 families in this parish were dynamic Catholics!